Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), French philosopher, novelist, playwright, political activist Jean-Paul Sartre, author of Being and Nothingness, may very well be the most widely know philosopher […]

The Buddhist Four Noble Truths Simplified
What are The Four Noble Truths? The Four Noble Truths are the first thing the Buddha taught after becoming Enlightened; it was his first … [Read More...]
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The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (2/2)
[Part 2 of 2] This is Part 2 explaining The Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Buddhism. Part 1 covered the First Foundation, while Part 2 will … [Read More...]

Playing Outside & Spiritual Connection
Study suggests, 'Children who spend significant time outdoors could have a stronger sense of self-fulfillment and purpose' The fact that … [Read More...]

The Psychology of Non-Sexual Touch
The Power of Touch Many of us may not realize the power of the human touch (non-sexual), but research has shown that a simple touch can have … [Read More...]

Sartre and Beauvoir in Love
Existentialists in Love... Award-winning caricaturist, Edward Sorel, entertains us with his art in Literary Lives - showing us the bizarre, … [Read More...]